Indian Judiciary and Information Technology

The Indian judiciary comprises of nearly 15,000 courts situated in approximately 2,500 court complexes throughout the country. To help the courts impart justice there are approximately 1.2 million lawyers. Thus advocates are very important part of the judicial system in India and play in a very important role in the efficiency of the system.

The stereo-typed common perception people have about courts is that they are slow, rigid and secretive. Information & Communication Technology can help us change this impression and courts can became more efficient, fast, responsible and user friendly. The Indian courts have recently started to adopt the use of technology and the major courts like High courts and Supreme courts now provide a lot of information on their websites.

Similarly many advocates have also started to adopt use of computers and IT in their day to day activities. With software for searching case laws to computer typed documentation to automated case management systems, there has been a lot of improvement in last few years. However still IT adoption has not happened to an enough extent for making an impact. The main reasons for this include IT Literacy, Internet penetration, Lack of awareness amongst advocates to name a few.

Hopefully in coming days as the advent of internet and various government schemes for adoption of IT and ITes take effect we shall see a change in this scenario, making a positive impact on the efficiency and speedy of Justice in India.

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